I met Ceri & Stuart for their pre-wedding shoot in a pub in Brighton on Pride weekend. They had originally said no to having a pre-wedding shoot and I think Stuart in particular thought that it would end up being ‘cheesy and a bit awkward’. The more we spoke about it, the more convinced they were that, actually, it could be quite a bit of fun and not something to feel uncomfortable about.
We finished up our beers and headed out towards the seafront. And it was fab! Brighton seafront always provides such a stunning backdrop for photographs and it never lets me down when I want to shoot there and this occasion was no different. The weather was fab with just the right amount of cloud and sunshine and these guys ROCKED! I think they were both a bit surprised by how much they enjoyed it! We wandered around and it was lovely to see these guys and how totally cute they are together. Here’s what we got up to as we strolled along the seafront together.
As we finished up the shoot and were about to head back to our cars, those guys to head back home and me to join the pride celebrations, the wind began to get stronger, the blue sky began to darken above us with thick swirly clouds. It was stunning and I LOVE a dramatic sky so just as Ceri & Stuart thought they would be able to make their escape, I was grabbing my camera again for some more portraits. We knew the storm was coming so our window of opportunity was small but the shots we got in that moment are my favourite from the whole set. The light was just perfect and by that point Ceri & Stuart were used to my enthusiastic squeaks of joy so we got some awesome images. (thanks for entertaining me, guys!)
I really can’t wait to shoot their wedding at Sopley Mill. It’s going to be fab sharing their special day with them.
Hope you enjoyed looking through their pictures!